Enhancement Services All package authorized user trade-lines appear within 60 days From the date you make your balance payment to pay for your authorized user trade lines on your file, most post within 30 days, and some post sooner. It depends on the credit bureaus after you are added. Some trade-lines stay on a file permanently. Most AU's only stay on your file from 30 to 60 days. You want to take advantage of primary trade line applications while the authorized user accounts are attached to your new file. If the authorized user line does not appear within the 60 day period listed above, we will issue a replacement if it meats the conditions below. If the REPLACEMENT line does not post within its time period then we will issue you a new tradeline. You as the client and/or Agent Broker are responsible for the accuracy of information you submit to us. Being one digit off on a Number or date of birth, or spelling a name incorrectly will cause a trade-line not to post properly. We DO NOT replace lines when you submit inaccurate information so please double check your info. If you submit incorrect or inaccurate information, you would need to re-purchase the line again if the order was already processed.
It is the client’s responsibility to open credit monitoring service’s with the three major U.S. credit bureaus. We highly recommend Credit Check Total because it provides quicker updates, more accurate information, data from the three major U.S. credit bureaus and sends alerts in real time that the free services do not send. Note that we do not accept Credit Karma or any free credit monitoring site as proof of non-posting (example creditkarma.com only shows (2) credit agencies FICO Score Numbers). This is industry standard. More information on our trusted credit monitoring sites as proof of non-posting are listed below. After the 30th business day after the upload date, if the line has not posted, please contact us to inform us. We will investigate. If you don’t contact us, then we DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT. In order to investigate trade-lines that have not posted, you must provide a valid login ID and password from one of our trusted credit monitoring sites. We accept: Creditchecktotal.com/Experian.com/Transunion.com/Equifax.com/Myfico.com/creditkarma.com only shows (2) agencies). After 20 business days, if you have not emailed us we will assume that the line has posted and the transaction has successfully completed. In the event of a trade line getting shut down, or a line becoming unavailable or sold out, we will select an adequate replacement trade line and move you to it. This may be without notice. Changes happen so frequently that we are unable to notify every client of every change. A note about Fraud Alerts & Freezes : If you have a Fraud Alert or Freeze on your credit report, you MUST remove it in order for your trade-line to report properly. ANY AND ALL FRAUD or FREEZE ALERTS MUST BE REMOVED BY YOU. If you do not, you will run into posting issues that we will not accommodate for. In order to remove a Fraud Alert, you must call each credit bureau and remove it. You are welcome to put the fraud or freeze alert back on your file once your trade-line posting in complete. Other packages listed on the site also have a specific time frame for completion. If you have passed the time frame and you are not satisfied, a refund or a credit of services will be considered based on a client-by-client basis only under the Refund Policy below. If you buy a tradeline à la carte & not in a package expect a minimum of (1) credit agency posting. A refund will NOT be issued if instructions were not followed.