CPN Public Records

What does your data say about you?

CPN Public Records Submission Service (This is good if you already have a CPN) Includes:
  • (24) Hour turn around. Comes with support guide (not on our site) to get your file up to and over an 800 score!
  • (100)+ Premium public records database submissions (good for when requested by issuers when doing Background Checks and new social scoring algorithms)
  • (1) Excel spreadsheet’s of all your new accounts access information
  • Approved pre-qualified offers starting at $1,500 value
  • CPN file support regardless if you purchased a package from us or not
  • Increased confidence with your credit privacy file

CPN Public Records Submission Service

Comes with FREE Guide to get your new file up to 800!

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     As we can see the future of CPN Public Records’ data management is advancing.

You want your data to be deeply indexed into the public data bases of the nation your are inhabiting.

When people who know of you, credit issuers, loan officers and potentially the people you work with, want to “check you out” there are so many ways they can access a search channel to collect consumer data posted about you. 

As we know in America time is money!

Who has time to sit around for 6-8 hours filling out forms on the weekend to have public digital national data sets validated and indexed for a new working title trade name/number commercial exchange file. Well, we do!

This is where we come in!

We validate and verify all your public records and provide you the excel spreadsheet’s with all the access data you need to manage all your new accounts & CPN Public Records Submission data.

You do not need to do anything with these accounts unless you are interested in them. Once we complete the work for you the job of file management “advanced tri-merging” for public records is done.

***This service is good if you bought a CPN file somewhere else, but they did between 3-10 public records submissions only. Less than a dozen public records is the new credit file industry (low) standard. As you can see we make sure you are heavily indexed for advanced social algorithms scoring.***

CPN Public Records Service: $125.00

YES! Please Start My CPN Public Records Submissions ASAP!

CPN Public Records Submission Service
Name on New Credit File
Name on New Credit File
We can provide you a single family residence address to forward mail from to an address you have never collected mail at before. Friends, family or P.O. Box (see our FAQs page for details). Leave this field blank if you want us to provide new address.
I understand I am assigned an Authorized Representative to help answer my questions any time I require clarity about the service or any policy or procedure. By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to our Terms of Use posted on our websites footer menu below.

We will contact you after your submission to get started and:

  • verify your information
  • Collect service payment

If you ever have any questions just ask


Make sure to check out our FAQ page too, very informative on file management:


For example: One of our articles talks about registering your CPN with the IRS. We have people ask us all the time, why would you want to register your cpn with the IRS?

Well the short answer is in case you expect to “go public” with it. Be an actor or have a very large and impressive financial profile.

For most people however they have privacy concerns and or a threat model that they need to keep themselves ultra low profile for many reasons. In this case you may want to stear clear or registering it with the IRS and instead opt for a common law copyright (which we can provide you) or other ways to stay legal and defensible by purchasing one of our CPN Packages.

Want to know more great insight? See our amazing industry resources and guides HERE.



Legal New Credit File

The legal team at TMMinistry of Civil Affairs© PMA A/K/A LNCF Stands as a beacon of hope for the traditional consumer. Comprising a dynamic association of members who operate as Attorneys-in-Fact for our PMA registered members, each brings a unique blend of expertise, passion, and dedication to the table.

With backgrounds in corporate law, civil rights, and criminal defense, they offer comprehensive legal services that cater to everyday people. Their mission is to provide legal clarity about consumer privacy while upholding the values of integrity, transparency, and client-focused service.

Since its inception, LNCF has made significant strides in the legal community, earning trust for their innovative approach to complex contract challenges in the privacy space.

The team’s collaborative spirit is the cornerstone of their success, allowing them to leverage their individual strengths in a unified strategy. Whether navigating high-stakes client transitions or offering in-depth consulting services, they remain committed to making a positive impact in the lives of their clients and the broader American community.