Get Paid $350 Per Authorized User – Risk Free!


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Do you have good credit?

We want to pay you every month!

Enjoy ZERO liability!

We pay up to $350 per authorized User added to your account!

Typically cardholders will earn from $50-$350 for each person they add as an A.U. (authorized user) to their account.

$100 Account Holder Referral Bonus! Know Someone With Good Credit?

We are financial matchmakers who connect our paying clients to responsible account holders.

This is a secure, safe and legal way to make extra money from the years of hard work you have put in managing your credit card accounts.


Your data and account information is kept completely confidential.

How it works:

  1. We will provide you the basic details of each client required to add the Authorized User on to your account
  2. You will then get a Credit Card in the mail in a few days
  3. Then you will put tape over the 16-digit number and take a picture of the card
  4. Email us the proof of the credit card with our client’s name on it
  5. Then cut up the card and get paid

Get a new cpn file authorized user

If you gave the card that was mailed to you to anyone you would be liable for the spending and credit.

However since you will cut the Credit Card up you will have no liability when the Authorized User you added shows up on their credit report.

Regardless of what they do with the advantages they get from being added on to your account it will not affect your credit in anyway.

After you add a user the account will show up on our client’s credit profile in a few weeks which will boost their score.

When they get Approved for Credit by having theCPN Apartment Rental Authorized User Account on their Credit Profile, they will be very happy.

Also, they will be responsible for their approvals and not you.

We have many clients every week needing AU’s added on to their Credit Profiles.

Depending on the credit card account you can add between 3-8 A.U.’s per credit card. American Express Credit Cards allow up to 99 Authorized User slots but we have found keeping the authorized users under 50 per card is much better in managing the account.

Making over $1,200 per month is easy if you have 2-4 good cards that have some age to them and higher credit limits.

The more cards you have registered with our program the more money you make.

The most we have paid a cardholder was $63,750 in 2020!

In situations where you have extensive history and very high limits we pay higher than what we have listed in our average payments above per user slot per card.

In order to qualify for our program:

  • You need at least (1) credit card with (zero) late payments & at least 6 months of payment history
  • Have a balance of less than 30% of total credit limit
  • The credit card holder has to be able to add an authorized user to their credit card account within 24 hours of our email notification.
  • The program is free to join.
  • Start making money as soon as next week.

Ask us how much you can make with the credit card accounts you have today!

(800) 597-2560

If interested please submit the form below for each account you want us to add to our inventory so we can get started advertising the slots available. 

How we pay you:

  • Your first 1/2 payment/s come when you show a picture of the credit card with tape over the 16 digit credit card number
  • The 2nd 1/2 payment comes when Credit Card Account shows on our Clients Credit Report (usually takes 7-10 days from the credit card accounts closing date).

So if we are paying you $350 for the authorized user slot we will pay you $175 x 2

You Can Start Earning Today!

We always have clients waiting to be added asap.

We are looking forward to long & profitable relationships!
Feel free to to read all about the legal use of your credit cards via "credit card piggybacking" towards the bottom of the page here.


Authorized User, Credit Repair, Credit Boost, Fix Credit, Credit Card User, Add User Credit Cards, Credit Score, purchase online, Brokers welcome, New credit partners needed, Passive income guaranteed

cpn credit score
Authorized User

Legal New Credit File

The legal team at TMMinistry of Civil Affairs© PMA A/K/A LNCF Stands as a beacon of hope for the traditional consumer. Comprising a dynamic association of members who operate as Attorneys-in-Fact for our PMA registered members, each brings a unique blend of expertise, passion, and dedication to the table.

With backgrounds in corporate law, civil rights, and criminal defense, they offer comprehensive legal services that cater to everyday people. Their mission is to provide legal clarity about consumer privacy while upholding the values of integrity, transparency, and client-focused service.

Since its inception, LNCF has made significant strides in the legal community, earning trust for their innovative approach to complex contract challenges in the privacy space.

The team’s collaborative spirit is the cornerstone of their success, allowing them to leverage their individual strengths in a unified strategy. Whether navigating high-stakes client transitions or offering in-depth consulting services, they remain committed to making a positive impact in the lives of their clients and the broader American community.