SSN Not Needed For Bank Account

cpn number, cpn numbers, tradlines

A (social) security number not needed for bank account, per U.S. government website


A page by the United States government states that a (social) security number is not needed.

Can I get a checking account without a social security number?
You are not required to have a social security number to open a checking or savings account. (source)register cpn with irs bank account

It goes on to say about the bank account:

To open a checking or savings account, the bank or credit union will need to verify your name, date of birth, address, and ID number. An ID number can be a social security number or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). To get an ITIN, you will need to fill out a form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) .

Or register your CPN number with the IRS with to get a bank account

If you don’t have a U.S. government-issued SSN or ITIN, some banks and credit unions will accept a passport number and country of issuance, an alien identification card number, or other government-issued ID number.

Visit different banks and credit unions to find out what types of accounts they offer, and what types of ID numbers they accept to get a bank account.

As we find the (social) security number is not mandatory to get a bank account at or in more and more places or situations, the number can be eventually not used. It’s not mine anyway; it belongs to a person/persona/company.

It makes sense that the nine-digit number is not required because when applying with the nine-digit number, one applies as a PERSON/PERSONA. While without the number, one applies as a man. A man does not have a number.

A social security number is not needed for the portpass/passport either.

I once started a corporation for a small business to learn about accounting. While in the midst of that, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between a corporation, which has a nine-digit number, and the social and even the nine-digit bank routing number. In fact, I might argue that the nine-digit number is a routing number. And I think I read once that people when using the nine-digit number are considered banks, in that they have the number and they (likely) have cash/deposits in their pocket or wallet or purse. Corporations have bank accounts, but people can have them as well; we just have to ask to be treated as people, not persons.

I’m still trying to find out what ID stands for. It doesn’t mean identity because the letters i and d are the first part of id-entity. Entity means a business.

Code of Federal Regulations

The CFR (31 C.F.R. 306.10) explicitly states that non-resident aliens (meaning state nationals) not engaged in a trade or business (meaning a public office!) are not required to use TINs or SSNs

Taxpayer identifying numbers are not required for foreign governments, nonresident aliens not engaged in trade or business within the United States, international organizations and foreign corporations not engaged in trade or business and not having an office or place of business or a financial or paying agent within the United States, and other persons or organizations as may be exempted from furnishing such numbers under regulations of the Internal Revenue Service. (source)




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